Our city has a star in the making. Indra Khariwala shines as Lila in Morris Micklewhite and the Tangerine Dress at Children’s Theatre Company (CTC) in Minneapolis.
“It’s the first time this show has ever been put on,” Indra says. “I’m excited to help the writer’s vision and their dreams come to life.”
The Edina High School junior is no stranger to the stage. This is her second role at CTC, and she has been in nine productions at Stages Theatre Company in Hopkins. Her talent landed her a spot in the prestigious summer intensive program at Broadway Artists Alliance in New York City.
“Theater offers so much community, love and room for growth,” the aspiring Broadway actress says. “It’s an amazing opportunity for kids and adults of any age.”
Morris Micklewhite and the Tangerine Dress runs through November 19. For more information and tickets, go to childrenstheatre.org.