It’s a great big party and your plants are the guests. How do you meet their needs? On a large scale, basic water, food and nutrients can go a long...

It’s a great big party and your plants are the guests. How do you meet their needs? On a large scale, basic water, food and nutrients can go a long...
Gardening can be restorative and therapeutic if you aren’t fighting stressed out plants. Follow these gardening hacks to ensure a better experience...
Gardening can be a form of intentional movement and can help people of all ages stay in shape. To bend, stand, lift, dig, carry and pull are basic...
For 70 years, the Edina Garden Council (EGC) has been making our community beautiful by planting, pruning, weeding and caring for the many parks and...
Most of us are looking forward to relaxing in the yard with friends and family. But with the beauty comes the beast—viral plant invasive species....
Making a house a home takes as much of an effort as making a yard a garden. The end product of your efforts is the pride of sharing an ideal place...
Become immersed in a sea-like experience at this year’s show. Wade into the depths of an underwater world at this year’s Galleria Floral Experience:...
Warm days are around the corner, and many of us crave instant happy gratification. Sunny destinations of spring break aside, ignore any snow...
Kind of like a pet, indoor tropical plants act as a living thing that give us company 12 months a year. We water and feed houseplants regularly,...
Plant your spring garden with a mind toward canning, preserving and pickling. Kittie Anderson has been canning and preserving fruits and vegetables...
New offerings available at Edina’s annual plant show. Spring flowers are finally blooming, and the Edina Garden Council is hosting its 50th annual...
Local gardeners share the benefits of getting outside and into the garden. Gardening is a way of beautifying our yards and the surrounding...
With the environment in mind, more people turn to organic landscaping and bee-friendly lawns. When Betty Goodman moved into her current home in...
The city of Edina participates in this 150-year tradition. This year marks the 150th anniversary of Arbor Day. You might be thinking—wait, didn’t...
Edina resident shares the secret behind achieving the perfect veggie garden. Some people naturally have a green thumb—like Edina resident Mark...
“… we all need to get outside and dig in the dirt a little more.” “If you had told me 10 years ago that I would become a chicken lady with a...
Arboretum recommends cabin-friendly plants and shrubs. Cabin owners know the drill. Head up (or over) to the lake in springtime for opening, plant...
Amp up your outdoor entertaining with design and décor items from Sunnyside Gardens. It's patio season and we're here to help you create the most...
Expert tips to keep pets healthy and safe. With pet ownership comes spending more time outdoors, which is healthy for owners and their pets. Jean...
Renovated public garden deserves the spotlight. Gardens are not a static thing. They are alive and change over time, requiring thoughtful nurture to...