Fall Fashion Trend Ties in Neatly with Back-to-School Season

by | Aug 2019

A woman wears a yellow backpack. Backpacks are a hot fall fashion trend, according to Wendy Witherspoon of Prink Style.


The practicality of carrying all of your necessities on your back while still looking stylish is exactly why backpacks are a hot trend for fall.

Remember when backpacks were only worn by school aged kids, fair goers or someone who was planning to summit a mountain? It’s hard to believe that we haven’t embraced this double strapped carryall a lot sooner considering all the “stuff” we carry on a day to day basis—phones, laptops, books, wallet, gym gear, you name it. The practicality of carrying all of your necessities on your back while still looking stylish is exactly why backpacks are a hot trend for fall.

Shop this trend at:
Kate Spade
Tory Burch
Pink Door Boutique

Contributed by Wendy Witherspoon, a personal stylist and founder of Prink Style.


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