Going Green for Summer Parties

by | Jun 2024

Beverage dispenser, reusable straws, drinking glass and plates prepared for eco friendly zero waste party with no plastic dinnerware. Sustainable lifestyle concept


It’s party time! That means pool parties, picnics, potlucks and, unfortunately, lots of waste. Our summer social gatherings create too much trash, especially if disposable plates, utensils, decorations and single-use items are involved. Is the sight of overflowing garbage bags and the nagging guilt of using a plastic fork a tradition we want to pass on to our families?

Sourcing from secondhand supplies, I’ve assembled several party kits designed to serve up to 40 people. This simple yet impactful idea, borrowed from other environmental thought leaders, includes elegant cloth napkins, sporks and generously sized plates that appeal to the no-food-touching crowd. Friends, family and colleagues are now requesting to borrow these kits. Additionally, these kits serve a dual purpose as camping essentials. And the best part? There’s no trash. Simply scrape off any food scraps into the organics recycling bin and voilà!

Your family can make a fun project of creating your own kit. Although it requires some effort to gather everything and there may be a learning curve, it’s a valuable family treasure that enhances our celebrations while reducing waste. Prioritizing reusable items over disposables is a tradition that our grandchildren will surely commend us for.

For more green party tips, check out Hennepin County’s Green Party Checklist

Twila Singh is the City of Edina’s Organics Recycling Coordinator and waste reduction advocate. She has spent the last decade perfecting her trash talk. Connect with her on LinkedIn!


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