Photo: Tiffany Kokal Photography
Are you planning to downsize or have a parent who is? A big question when considering downsizing is, “what to do with all of this stuff?”
Ideally, when something no longer serves its purpose, it’s best to immediately donate or sell the item. But, it’s all too easy to accumulate items we no longer need, and if gone unchecked for years, deciding what to do with it all can feel overwhelming.
It can be helpful to seek an outside perspective when going through this process. A trusted friend, family member or professional organizer—those not personally attached to your items—can be an asset when trying to minimize because it’s much easier for them to see clearly what should go and what should stay.
Begin with the easiest items to let go of first such as old electronics and cords. Then work your way up to things with more sentimental attachment like clothing, furniture and housewares. Organizing takes time and can be exhausting, so don’t rush the process. Break your project down into small segments that can be worked on one day at a time.
Ashley McCarthy and Lindsay Cisewski are co-owners of Style and Dwell, an Edina based home organization business.