Theater director focuses on transformative student experiences. For the last five years, Regina Neville has been at the helm of Edina’s Valley View...
“Frozen JR.” Takes Center Stage at South View Middle School
South View Middle School’s annual musical was Frozen JR. This song-filled adaptation of the popular Disney movie ran from April 11–13. The sold-out...
Twin Cities Theater Scene Offers Plenty of Places to See a Show
There are more than 200 theater venues in the Twin Cities featuring plays, musicals, comedy, improv and more. In our opinion, Thalia and Melpomene...
Community Theater Camp Makes ‘Sheer Magic’ in a Church Basement
How a neighborhood theater camp helps kids grow. “A pinch and an ouch,” says Jane Williams, a founder of the Morningside Theatre Company (MTC), is...
See ‘Chicago’ at Edina High School
Don’t miss Edina High School’s production of Chicago. The second longest-running Broadway musical in history is set in roaring twenties Chicago...