Beloved Edina Reads Writing Contest Returns

by | Mar 2024

Man writing in a notebook.

Pexels/Michael Burrows

It’s that time of year again where local authors of poetry and prose dust off their pens, pencils and keyboards and write for the chance of prizes and recognition. Yes, the third annual Edina Reads Writing Contest is upon us.

Anyone ages 5 and older who lives, attends school or religious services or works in Edina can enter. The contest is a part of the Edina Community Foundation’s Edina Reads program, established in 2005 as a community-wide initiative to encourage reading, lifelong learning and thoughtful conversation.

The contest has grown since its beginnings, attracting hundreds of submissions. Anywhere from 34 to 54 authors are recognized annually, and winners may share their entries at an event each spring.

With titles ranging from A Strange Day in July to Stinky Brothers to In the Shadow of the Moon, authors bring creativity to their submissions.

Submissions for the 2024 contest will be accepted through March 18. The event to showcase winning entries is April 15 at the Southview Middle School Auditorium.

Contributed by Tina Bohrer on behalf of the Edina Community Foundation. Learn more at


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