My mom was a stewardess “back in the day,” as she refers to it. Air travel was an experience to be enjoyed and one in which travelers tried to put their best foot forward. Today, it seems that air travel is simply a means to get us to our destination as quickly as possible. Let’s all try and put our best foot forward with these three ways to be kinder while traveling.

Jasmine Brett Stringer’s mother (middle) in an “enhanced” airline advertisement. Photo: Jasmine Brett Stringer
Mind Your Manners
Adhere to the customs, social norms and etiquette of the place you are visiting. Respect the local culture and show consideration for the people you encounter, and, more importantly, make sure to say, “Please” and “Thank you.”
Remember the Art of Small Talk
Don’t be afraid to engage in friendly conversation with fellow travelers or locals. (I know about this tip; I met my husband in baggage claim.) Small talk can help you create connections, build new relationships and make your travel experience more enjoyable. One of the easiest ways to practice small talk is to use the names of the people you encounter while traveling. Everyone has a name tag these days.
Tipping is an easy way to show appreciation for services provided. I often pick up $5 coffee shop gift cards to give to people at the hotel or to flight attendants, who have been kind or provided excellent service.
It doesn’t take much to be a kind traveler, and it can lead to you and your loved ones having a more pleasant and enjoyable experience.
Contributed by Edina’s Jasmine Brett Stringer, professional keynote speaker, on-air lifestyle expert, author and founder of Carpe Diem with Jasmine and #ShareTheMicMN. Find her on Instagram @carpediemjbs or at jasminebrettstringer.com.