The Edina Garden Council Keeps Growing

by | May 2024

Edina Garden Council Plants

Photo: Julie Condon

For 70 years, the Edina Garden Council (EGC) has been making our community beautiful by planting, pruning, weeding and caring for the many parks and public spaces that we all enjoy.

Composed of five garden clubs, the EGC oversees seeding through planting at sites across the city. You’ve probably seen its work in the urns in front of city hall and the countless accent gardens in our parks. Members start the next summer’s plantings with planning in the fall and greenhouse growing during the winter.

“You do not have to live in Edina to join,” says EGC member Maire Katyal. “You definitely don’t have to be an expert. Few members are master gardeners. Most just love to plant, want to learn more about what to plant in this zone or like to keep gardening after downsizing.”

The nonprofit’s annual fundraiser is a plant sale held on Mother’s Day weekend. You’ll find a large and interesting variety of flowers, vegetables, houseplants, herbs and hanging baskets.

Floral Hanging Basket

Photo: Maire Katyal

Many thanks to the EGC for its significant efforts and dedication to keeping Edina bright and verdant.

Edina Garden Council Plant Sale,
10 a.m.–6 p.m. May 10
10 a.m.–1 p.m. May 11
Arneson Acres Park, 4711 W. 70th St.;

Contributed by Laura Westlund, an arts writer and editor in the Twin Cities and an art hound for Minnesota Public Radio.


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