MySimplePetLab Offers At-Home First Aid for Pets

by | Jun 2024

Isla Tropple, dog Sophie, cat Bodhi and Luca Tropple.

Isla Tropple, dog Sophie, cat Bodhi and Luca Tropple. Photos: Annie Tropple

Quick answers for your pet’s medical needs.

Annie Tropple is prepared.

The Edina resident has her hands full with a couple of youngsters, including a 13-year-old goldendoodle, Sophie, and her 4-year-old doll face Persian cat, Bodhi. Sophie and Bodhi are apt to get into some trouble every once in a while.

“I keep first aid kits on hand for each of them,” Tropple says.

The other day, Sophie had a bit of trouble with her tail. It turned out to be a hot spot she’d been tending to. But Tropple didn’t have to run to her veterinarian because she had a first aid kit from MySimplePetLab.

“Because I had the first aid kit, I was able to clean it out and wrap it up,” she says. “I was nervous because I wasn’t sure that I would understand how to use the kit and that I wouldn’t be able to help. However, the kit was so easy to use. The directions are clear, and there aren’t a ton of steps.”

Edina’s Jen Hagness is MySimplePetLab’s president and CEO. The company was founded in 2019 by two veterinarians, Nancy Willerton and Dennis Chmiel, with Hagness joining during COVID-19. “During the pandemic, we have seen a dramatic rise in pet ownership,” Hagness says. According to the American Veterinary Medical Association, 70 percent of households currently own pets, a 20 percent increase in the last 40 years. However, it’s estimated there will be a shortage of about 24,000 veterinarians by 2030. This is due to a high rate of veterinarians retiring during the pandemic coupled with not enough students graduating from veterinarian schools.


Photo: MySimplePetLab

“We are really supporting the gap with not enough vets and vet techs to care for them,” Hagness says.

In addition to the first aid kits, MySimplePetLab also offers an array of testing and care kits for stomach, skin, ear troubles and much more; plus, all instructions are written by veterinarians. Pet owners can register their kit online to keep their veterinarian updated.

The care kits came in handy for Tropple, when she woke up on a Saturday morning and discovered Sophie’s illness. “I was really worried for her. She wasn’t acting like herself. She wasn’t really eating or drinking,” she says.

Because it was a weekend, the Edina resident says her veterinarian’s appointments were already filled. After researching, Tropple found the MySimplePetLab products online as a way to ease Sophie’s lethargy and illness until she could get her in to see her vet.

“I was able to use the MySimplePetLab care kit in the interim, and it seemed to solve the problems. It took one to two days, and Sophie was feeling better,” she says. “For me, the care provided by the kit was the most important part. I found the time saving aspect priceless.”

While MySimplePetLab kits can be a helpful tool for monitoring and navigating pet health at home, pet owners should consult and establish care with a veterinarian for comprehensive care and guidance.

Facebook: Mysimplepetlab
Instagram: @mysimplepetlab


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