Jasmine Brett Stringer (right) with her friends enjoying a boat ride on an agenda-less long weekend. Photo: Jasmine Brett Stringer
I imagine you and I are a lot alike, and our lives often revolve around schedules and to-do lists, even during vacations. But what if we allowed ourselves to take a trip without an agenda or checklist, embracing the freedom of going with the flow?
I recently had the opportunity to experience this during two long weekends spent with friends at their cabins. Being someone who didn’t grow up with such experiences, these weekends felt truly special and unique. I cherished the moments of simply being, without the pressure of accomplishing anything specific. It allowed me to connect with loved ones in a simple yet profound way, savoring every moment of joy and love.
You may not have a cabin or friends with cabins, and that’s all right. I want to encourage you to be open to magical experiences that stem from “Just Being” on your future trips. Carpe Diem. Seize the day, and open yourself up to the possibility of a magical experience from just being on a future trip. Give the gift of freedom by allowing yourself and your family to be present in the moment and flow with whatever unfolds
So, whether it’s a long weekend at a cabin or any other kind of trip, make room for “Just Being,” and relish the joy that can unfold when we allow life to guide us.
Edina resident Jasmine Brett Stringer is a professional keynote speaker, on-air lifestyle expert, author and founder of Carpe Diem with Jasmine and #ShareTheMicMN. Find her on Instagram @carpediemjbs or jasminebrettstringer.com.