Tips for eating smart when dining out. Super foods have made their way into our dietary lexicon. Although no specific food is likely a silver bullet...
January 2021
Bowl Hole
Get out on the ice for some competition for a cause. What exactly is Bowl Hole you might ask? Well, it goes like this: 10 holes, just smaller than a...
For Your Collection
Artwork recommended by the Art Girls. Hollie Blanchard, co-founder of Art Girls Mpls. says, “The Boxer by artist Richard Merchán is a beautiful...
Citizen of Edina
Edina Community Foundation spotlights noteworthy residents. Nick Legeros is an Edina sculptor whose work sets a high standard for public art in our...
How to Hygge
This Danish lifestyle concept is perfect for Minnesota winters. Evening settles over the tundra early in January when Minnesotans experience only...
Essential Info about Essential Oils
Do these wildly popular remedies really work? Humans in most every culture have long sought the potential benefits of medicinal plants. In...
I Got a Rowing Machine for Christmas
Will I get fit or will it just sit? Leading up to 2021, I knew I needed to move more. I’m good at getting out for walks and a few sets of tennis in...
Education Alongside Disease Prevention
Local childcare centers are prepared to care for kids. Local childcare centers seek to provide environments suited to children’s needs. By...
Welcome to the January 2021 Issue
A big part of what makes Edina special is the spirit of volunteerism among a vast array of community members. But, when residents are unsure where...
Game Day Grub
Make food fun with a football cheese ball. It’s not game day without a tray of football food, right? My favorites are buffalo chicken dip and a...
The Power of Choice
The theme of the book derives from its title. “The hope is that [readers] look at their own life and all obstacles that come with it,” Stockwell...
Elevate Your Food Experience
Local restauranteur wants to nourish your body and mind. Anne Spaeth, owner of The Lynhall, senses our collective fatigue with the crises of 2020...
Recommit to Getting Fit
Experts weigh in on in-person, virtual and at-home exercise options. Establishing or renewing fitness goals is characteristic of our collective...
Distance Learning with Dad
Edina student expresses how we all felt. We regularly feature photo submissions from our Images of Edina photo contest in the pages of Edina...