Tips from Style + Dwell
Spring is finally here, and as Minnesotans we can’t wait to get out into the yard and freshen up those outdoor spaces. If your storage area for yard supplies and tools is like most, it may need a little organizing TLC. Here are a couple of quick tips to get you ready for the warmer weather ahead.
Declutter: Get rid of any items that are broken, missing parts or that you no longer have a need for (check all your pots, hoses, gardening tools and lawn products).
Sort: Place items into similar groups. Also, invest in some hooks, expandable wall mount organizers, shelving and bins if you don’t already have them.
Arrange: Group outdoor items by type and keep anything that’s dangerous to children and pets high and out of reach. Bins are wonderful for corralling outdoor tools, sports equipment and gardening supplies. Be sure to stick labels on the outside of your bins to keep your family accountable and organized.
Style and Dwell
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