Photo: Britny Aklik
Britny Aklik tells us about her Images of Edina submission “Twin Beards.”
We regularly feature photo submissions from our Images of Edina photo contest in the pages of Edina Magazine and online. This month, we asked Britny Aklik to tell us about her photo titled “Twin Beards.”
Where was the photo taken?
In my yard in Edina.
What inspired the shot?
Each spring as the snow melts and green plants begin to emerge from the seemingly dead ground, I eagerly look forward to spring flowers and summer adventures.
What’s your favorite thing about this image?
I like the contrast of light shining through the top of the flower and the rich depth of the purple beards.
What type of camera do you use?
I’m a Nikon girl.
Do you typically take photos like this or is this out of the norm for you?
I often spend time checking out spring flowers with a macro lens in hand. The rest of the year my camera is regularly focused on my kids.
What prompted you to submit your photo to Images of Edina?
I decided to submit this image because even though many people enjoy seeing the colors spring flowers bring, we don’t always take the time to look at them in detail. The irises may only last a few days each spring but that childhood saying is right–if you take a picture it will last longer.