2020 Images of Edina Winners

by | Sep 2020

"About to Take Flight" by Lisa Asp

Here are the winning shots in the 2020 Images of Edina photo contest!

Competition was stiff this year for the annual Images of Edina photo contest, but after the dust settled, the judges picked the winning images in five categories: Activities & Events, Business, Plants & Animals, People and Places in Edina. You, the readers, chose the ‘Readers’ Choice’ award-winning photo. An overall Best in Show winner was awarded as well.

Winners and participants may get their photo featured on our Last Glance page in future print issues through 2020 and 2021, so keep your eyes peeled—and keep those shutters clicking away.

And the winners are…

Activities & Events
“Distance Learning with Dad” by Leah Steidl

"Distance Learning with Dad" by Leah Steidl

“Mirror Image” by Vicki Hurwitz

"Mirror Image" by Vicki Hurwitz

“Kindergarten Besties” by Leah Steidl

"Kindergarten Besties" by Leah Steidl

Places in Edina
“Artful Arches” by Vicki Hurwitz

"Artful Arches" by Vicki Hurwitz

Plants & Animals
“About to Take Flight” by Lisa Asp

"About to Take Flight" by Lisa Asp

Readers’ Choice
“Rise Above” by Bridgit Melnick

"Rise Above" by Bridgit Melnick

Best in Show
“About to Take Flight” by Lisa Asp

"About to Take Flight" by Lisa Asp


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