Images of Edina: Lounging at Centennial Lakes

by | Jul 2018

Art of Edina Mother’s Day by Dan Fergus

Art of Edina Mother’s Day. Photo: Dan Fergus

Local photographer captures a mother/daughter moment.

We all have that moment when we wish time could freeze, right then and there, so we can enjoy it for as long as we want. Thankfully, many photographers are masters of capturing those moments, whenever and wherever they happen.

“I was on a walk with my wife and daughter,” says photographer Dan Fergus. “I looked over and they were reclining together, and I thought it was a tender and beautiful moment.” Art of Edina agreed and selected this photo to display in one of its Edina parks themed galleries.

Fergus has been taking photographs since middle school when an eighth grade art teacher encouraged him to try out photography. Of course, back then it was different. Fergus learned about film and dark rooms, chemicals and apertures. Now, he has a new tactic.

“I’ll just shoot whatever catches my eye,” he says. “I usually just take photos with my phone.”

Proof of his preferred camera is all over his Instagram account. He says nearly every photo on there is taken with his phone, but it isn’t his only camera. When he takes more serious photos, he uses a Nikon D7100. However, this popular photo—titled Mother’s Day—was snapped with his phone.

While people are his favorite subject, Fergus enjoys taking architectural, nature and still life photographs. Fergus’s other creative outlets include drawing and painting. He also has his own design company. Other hobbies include gardening, cooking for his family and going on those walks around town where he’s likely to snap a photo. When he’s not working with his design company, Fergus teaches art courses at the University of Northwestern, encouraging a whole new generation of creative minds.


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